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The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 30 of 42 (71%)
not the love of the truth_, _that they might be saved_, most justly may
he _send them strong delusion_, _that they should believe a lie_, and
_be damned._

I have thus endeavoured, with much brevity, to give a scriptural view of
the final Judgment. On a subject so tremendously awful, I have chosen to
present simply God's testimony. A practical inference from the whole
is,--that the present life must be regarded as probationary. We are
living here as responsible agents, continually adding to the number of
actions, for which we must give account to God. How solemnly
interesting, then, is this scene of our earthly pilgrimage! How
inexpressibly valuable is time! How infinitely precious are the means of
grace!--particularly those invitations of mercy, which meet us in the
word of God, and address us from the sacred desk.

You, my fellow sinners, are the very individuals who must stand at the
judgment-seat of Christ. You must mingle in that vast multitude, which
the voice of the archangel and the trump of God shall assemble. And when
your characters are all laid open, you must pass off to the right hand,
or to the left, accordingly as it shall appear, that you have repented,
and believed on the Son of God, or have neglected this great salvation.
And are you diligently preparing for that day? Are you working out your
salvation with fear and trembling? Are you _agonizing_ to enter in at
the strait gate? Are you escaping for your life?

Fellow mortals, your time of preparation may be far more brief than you
now think. A few, _very few_ more opportunities for prayer, and
reconciliation with God, and your account is sealed up. While you
hesitate, the recording angel may be writing your condemnation. In such
circumstances, what are worldly honours, or wealth, or all your hopes of
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