The National Preacher, Vol. 2 No. 7 Dec. 1827 - Or Original Monthly Sermons from Living Ministers, Sermons XXVI. and - XXVII. by Elihu W. Baldwin;Aaron W. Leland
page 31 of 42 (73%)
page 31 of 42 (73%)
enjoyment here? The life, the _eternal life_ of the _soul_, is the _one
thing needful_--the _only_ thing really important. You will realize this truth, when the last trumpet is sounding through the universe, and, with increasing agony or ecstasy, millions of ages after the final sentence is pronounced. O, then, consider it _now_. Prepare for that judgment, _now_. To-morrow! where is it? Repent _to-morrow_! You may have far other work to do. God, and conscience, and your immortal interests plead, "_To-day_, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart." "Behold, _now_ is the accepted time; behold, _now_ is the day of salvation." _Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. For he cometh, for he cometh, to judge the world, in righteousness to judge the earth, and the people with his truth_. TERMS OF THE NATIONAL PREACHER. I. Each Monthly Number to contain one long Sermon, or two of moderate length, on fine paper. The Volume to commence annually the last week in June. II. Price, One Dollar annually, _in advance, or on becoming a Subscriber_, or One Dollar and Fifty cents, if payment is delayed after |