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Food Guide for War Service at Home - Prepared under the direction of the United States Food Administration in co-operation with the United States Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Education, with a preface by Herbert Hoover by Florence Powdermaker;Katharine Blunt;Frances L. Swain
page 54 of 79 (68%)
which are undoubtedly closely connected--increased undernutrition
among school children, and decreased use of milk. The Mayor's Milk
Committee in the fall of 1917 reported that the city as a whole
had cut down its milk consumption 25 per cent, and certain tenement
districts 50 per cent. The majority of the families who had reduced
the milk to little or none were giving their children tea and coffee
instead--substituting drinks actually harmful to children for the most
valuable food they could have.

About the same time as the milk investigation, a count was made of
the number of New York children who were seriously undernourished--
half-starved. Twelve were found in every 100 children, twice as many
as the year before.

The warring nations in Europe fully realize the value of milk. In the
face of a serious shortage they are making every effort to get to the
children as much milk as can be produced or imported. Until children,
mothers, and invalids are supplied, no one else may buy any. For adults,
milk is an almost unknown luxury.

All the countries have definite milk rations for their children. These
rations would be adequate if they could be obtained, but many times
they fall short. Every effort is made to treat all children, rich and
poor, alike. The price of milk is regulated, but parents who cannot
afford to buy it are given it free or at cost. Dried and condensed
milk are used where they can be obtained and fresh milk cannot.
Thousands of tons of condensed milk have been sent over from America.
There has been scarcely a child born in the north of France and none
in Belgium whose continued life during all that period has not been
dependent upon American condensed milk. At one time the Ministry of
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