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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 10 of 44 (22%)
one on _Cricket_, and I think if I were going to Africa I should take
a supply. From all I've heard of TIPPOO TIB, I should think he would
enjoy the game; at any rate TIPPOO ought to be able to master tip and
run without much difficulty. W.G. GR-CE.

SIR,--Having consulted my relatives--also CAPTAIN M-L-SW-RTH--as
to whether there would be any impropriety in giving a reply to your
questions, I am happy to say that they seem to think there would be
none, but that on the contrary it might even assist the takings at the
Aquarium. I may therefore mention that if I were proceeding to Central
Africa there is _only one book_ I should dream of taking with me. That
would be a copy of the Proceedings of the London County Council, since
the joyful date of its advent on this planet. Yours obediently, Z-o.

SIR,--The one book I should take with me to Africa would be DR.
PETERS' recent valuable work--_More Light on Dark Africa_. I should
give it to the Dwarfs. It would make capital poisoned arrows. H.M.

SIR,--The only book worth thinking about for such an expedition as
you mention would be STANLEY's _In Darkest Africa_. Its Maps would be
invaluable,--as presents for a rival explorer, whom one might desire
to mislead as to his route. CARL P-T-RS.

* * * * *


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