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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
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Correspondent has recently written to several eminent persons on this
subject, and has received--so he says--the following replies:--

SIR,--You ask me what books I should take if I were contemplating
a visit to the Dark Continent, like Lord RANDOLPH CHURCHILL.
The question, in the abstract, and without reference to my own
personality, is an interesting one, and no doubt human fallibility
would, in the case you suppose, induce me to take several volumes of
my own _Gleanings_ with me,--not so much for their intrinsic merits,
as because perhaps they might form a new kind of literature for native
African potentates. HOMER, too, _of course_. At my time of life,
however, I must be excused from grappling with any new Continents,
dark or otherwise. I find that Ireland is quite dark enough for me
just now. Excuse a card. Yours, W.E. GL-DST-NE.

SIR,--As I am not "contemplating an expedition to the Dark Continent,"
and have no sympathy with Hottentots, there seems to be no sufficient
reason for my answering your questions, or for your asking them.

SIR,--Your question is ridiculous. The only books worth taking to
Africa, or anywhere else, would be a bound copy of last year's
_Review of Reviews_, GENERAL BOOTH's epoch-making volume, and--this
is indispensable--SIR C. D-LKE's invaluable _Problems of Greater
Britain._ When I went to Rome, I naturally took with me the "hundred
best books in the world." They were a little heavy, but I thought
the POPE would like to see them. However, circumstances prevented my
presenting them to His Holiness. Yours, W.T. ST-D.

SIR,--I don't know much about books. I've just written rather a good
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