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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 13 of 44 (29%)

_George_. Puff! I _am_ hot, HEDDA. I've been looking into LÖVBORG's
new book. Wonderfully thoughtful--confound him! But I must go and
dress for your party, Judge. [_He goes out._

_Hedda_. I wish I could get TESMAN to take to politics, Judge.
Couldn't he be a Cabinet Minister, or something?

_Brack_. H'm!

[_A short pause; both look at one another, without speaking.
Enter GEORGE, in evening dress, with gloves._

_George_. It is afternoon, and your party is at half-past seven--but I
like to dress early. Fancy that! And I am expecting LÖVBORG.

[_EJLERT LÖVBORG comes in from the hall; he is worn and pale,
with red patches on his cheek-bones, and wears an elegant
perfectly new visiting-suit, and black gloves._

_George_. Welcome! (_Introduces him to BRACK._) Listen--I have got
your new book, but I haven't read it through yet.

_Lövborg_. You needn't--it's rubbish. (_Takes a packet of MSS. out._)
This _isn't_. It's in three parts; the first about the civilising
forces of the future, the second about the future of the civilising
forces, and the third about the forces of the future civilisation. I
thought I'd read you a little of it this evening?

_Brack and George_ (_hastily_). Awfully nice of you--but there's a
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