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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 22 of 44 (50%)
rarely adopt, I added, "and you will be good enough to open the door
at once."

"I shall do nothing of the sort," replied my Wife, calmly. "I locked
you in, and I shan't let you out."

"What, Madam," I exclaimed; "do you defy my authority?"

"Certainly!" was the immediate response, "You may say or think what
you like, but you don't leave this house to-day as sure as I am your
lawfully wedded Wife."

And as a matter of fact I didn't!


_Pump-handle Court._

* * * * *



_Monday_.--To see MADAME ALBANI as _Violetta_ the consumptive
heroine of "_La Traviata_." Charmingly sung and admirably, nay, most
touchingly, acted. MAUREL excellent as _Germont Senior_, and MONTARIOL
quite the weak-minded masher _Alfredo_. What a different turn the
story might have taken had it occurred to _Violetta_ to have a
flirtation with the handsome middle-aged _père noble_! At one time it
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