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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
page 38 of 44 (86%)

A SAVOY QUESTION.--The general idea of the forthcoming new Opera at
the Savoy appears to be "all Dance to SOLOMON's music." Is it to be
a pantomime-drama, like _L'Enfant Prodigue_, or simply a ballet? If
neither, where do song-words and dialogue come in?

* * * * *



_House of Commons, Monday, April 20_.--The other week T.C. BARING
was sitting among us, one of the Members for the City of London.
Now BARING is no more, and to-night HUCKS GIBBS comes in to take his
place. VICARY G. brought his father down; watched him take oath and
has undertaken generally to see him through. In fact, when GIBBS
_père_ hesitated about taking the proffered seat for the City, VICARY
undertook to fill it; finally, GIBBS _père_ being warmly pressed,
consented to sit, and VICARY stood aside. But he will come in
by-and-by, when he has given his father a turn.

[Illustration: Late Member for the City.]

"Age before honesty, is my motto," said VICARY, when I complimented
him upon the fine feeling he has shown throughout these negotiations.
"I always think that we young fellows lose nothing by giving our
elders a start. My father, you know, sometime ago wanted to change the
name of our firm. Suggested it should be called SONS & ANTONY GIBBS.
There's something in it; but on the whole, better leave things as they
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