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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, May 2, 1891 by Various
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are. ANTONY GIBBS & SONS known all over the world; always embarrassing
to change style of an old firm; so, for the present, at least, we
leave things alone. Come along, _Pater_; think I'll take you home now.
Never rush wildly into new engagements; you've had the excitement of
being sworn in, and signing the roll of Parliament. You hadn't been
in the place ten minutes before TIM HEALY gave you a chance of voting
on a London City Bill, and that's enough for one night. By-and-by you
shall stay all night and enjoy yourself in Committee on Irish Land

So ANTONY GIBBS AND SON went off before dinner. Didn't miss much;
grinding away at Irish Land Bill; most soul-depressing experience of
modern life; no heart in it; no reality; SAGE of Queen Anne's Gate
brings up amendment after amendment, and makes successive speeches;
SEYMOUR KEAY does ditto; SHAW-LEFEVRE adds new terror to situation
by taking voluminous notes which promise illimitable succession of
orations; House empty; PRINCE ARTHUR has the full length of Treasury
Bench on which to lounge. Occasionally Division-bell rings; Members
troop in by the hundred; follow their leaders into Lobby right or
left, deciding question they haven't heard debated, and mere drift
of which two-thirds don't understand.

BRER FOX absent to-night, which precludes possibility of flare-up
in Irish Camp. TIM faithful to his post, but lacks inspiration of
contiguity to BRER FOX.

"PARNELL's played out," said TIM, referring in course of evening to
BRER FOX's reception in his latest run through Ireland. "He may ramp
and roar here, but his game's up in Ireland."

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