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A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives by Desiderius Erasmus
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were Eula. The offence is the lesse. Is it a man
chylde. xantip. yea. Eula. He shal make you at one so
that ye wil bow & forbere. What saieth other men by
thin husband, they that be his companions, they
delite with him abrode xan, They say that he is
meruelous gentyl, redy to do euery man pleasure,
liberal and sure to his frende. Eula. And that putteth
me in good comfort that he wyll be ruled after our
counsayll. xantip. But I fynde him not so. Eula. =Order
thy selfe to him as I haue tolde thee, and cal me no
more true sayer but a lier, if he be not so good vnto
the as to anie creature liuinge Again considre this
he is yet but a childe, I thinke he passethe not.
xxiiij. the blacke oxe neuer trode on hys fote, nowe it
is but loste laboure to recken vpon anye deuorse.
xantippa. Yet manye a tyme and ofte I haue troubled my
braynes withal Eulalia. As for that fantasye whensoeuer
it commeth into your mynd first of all counte how naked
a thynge woman is, deuorsed from man. It is the hyghest
dignitie that longethe to the wyfe to obsequyous vnto
her spouse. So hath natyre ordeined so god hath
appoynted, that the woman shoulde be ruled al by the
man loke onely vppon this whiche is trouth, thine
husbande he is, other canste thou none haue. Againe
forgette not that swete babe be gotten of both your
bodies what thin beste thou to do with that, wilte thou
take it awaye with thee? Thou shalte bereue thyne
husband his ryght wylt thou leue it with hym? thou
shalt spoile thy self of thy chefeste Jewell thou
haste. Beside all this tell me trueth hast thou none
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