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A Merry Dialogue Declaringe the Properties of Shrowde Shrews and Honest Wives by Desiderius Erasmus
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euyll wyllers, Besyde all thys tell me trueth, hast
thou none euyll wyllers. xan. I haue a stepdame I
warrant you, and myne husbandes mother euen such
another. Eula. Do they hate the so deadly. xantip. They
woulde se me hanged. Eula. Then forget not then
what greater plesure couldest thou shew them then to se
the deuorsed from thine husband and to led a wydowes
lyfe. Yea and worse then a wydow, for wydowes be at
their choise. xantippa. I holde well with youre
counsell, but I can not awaye with the paynes.
Eulalia. yet recken what paines ye toke or ye colde
teache your paret to speake. xantippa. Exceadynge much.
Eu. And thinke you much to labour a lytel in reforming
your husband with whom you may liue merely all the
dayes of your lyfe. What busines doe men put them
self to be wel & easly horsed & shal we think our
selues to good to take paines that we mai haue our
husbandes gentil & curteise vnto vs. xantip. What
shal I do. Eu. I haue told you al redy, se that al
thing be clene & trim at home, that no sluttysh or
vnclenlye syghtes dryue hym oute a dores. Be your selfe
alwayes redy at a becke, berynge continuali in minde
what reuerence the wife oweth vnto her husband. Be
neyther in your dumpes, nor alwayes on your mery
pinnes go nether to homely nor to nycely. Let your meat
be cleane dressed, you know yourhusbandes diet. What
he loueth best that dresse. Moreouer shewe your selfe
louinge and fayre spoken vnto them where he loueth,
call them now and then vnto your table. At meate, se
that al thinges be well sauored, and make good there,
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