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The Worst Journey in the World - Antarctic 1910-1913 by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
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McMurdo Sound from Arrival Heights in Autumn. The sun
is sinking below the Western Mountains. _Frontispiece_
_From a water-colour drawing by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._


The Last of the Dogs. Scott's Southern Journey 1903. xxxvi
_From a sketch by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

The Rookery of Emperor Penguins under the Cliffs of the
Great Ice Barrier: looking east from Cape Crozier. xlii
_From a sketch by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Raymond Priestley and Victor Campbell. liv
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Sunrise behind South Trinidad Island. July 26, 1910. 12
_From a water-colour drawing by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

The Roaring Forties. 32
_From a water-colour drawing by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Pack-ice in the Ross Sea. Midnight, January 1911. 62
_From a water-colour drawing by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

A Sea Leopard. 66
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