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The Worst Journey in the World - Antarctic 1910-1913 by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
page 8 of 783 (01%)

A Weddell Seal. 66
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

The Terra Nova in the pack. Men watering Ship. 74
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Taking a Sounding. 84
_From a sketch by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Krisravitza. 84
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Mount Erebus showing Steam Cloud, the Ramp, and the
Hut at Cape Evans. 96
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Dog-skin outer Mitts showing lampwick Lashings for slinging
over the Shoulders. 114

Sledging Spoon, Pannikin and Cup, which pack into the inner
Cooker. 114
_From sketches by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Hut Point from the bottom of Observation Hill, showing the
Bay in which the Discovery lay, the Discovery Hut,
Vince's Cross, the frozen sea and the Western Mountains. 158
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Seals. 162
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