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The Worst Journey in the World - Antarctic 1910-1913 by Apsley Cherry-Garrard
page 9 of 783 (01%)

From the Sea. 162
_From sketches by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Winter Quarters at Cape Evans. Notice the Whale-back clouds
on Erebus, the débris cones on the Ramp, and the anemometer
pipes which had to be cleared during blizzard by way
of the ladder at the end of the Hut. 172
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

A Cornice of Snow formed upon a Cliff by wind and drift. 176
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

PLATE I. A panoramic view over Cape Evans, and McMurdo
Sound from the Ramp. 184
_From photographs by F. Debenham._

The sea's fringe of Ice growing outwards from the Land. 198
_From a photograph by F. Debenham._

Leading Ponies on the Barrier. November 20, 1911. 206
_From a sketch for a water-colour drawing by Dr. Edward A. Wilson._

Frozen sea and cliffs of Ice: the snout of the Barne Glacier in
North Bay. 212
_From a photograph by C. S. Wright._

Erebus and Land's End from the Sea-ice. 224
_From a photograph by C. S. Wright._

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