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Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Volume III. by Buckingham Smith
page 11 of 49 (22%)
everlasting; cúne, married, f.; cacúne, not married; húbi, married,
m.; cahúbi, not married, etc. Those ending in sári, and scor, mark a
bad, or vicious quality, as, dedensári, tobacco-smoker, from déinan, I
suck; and hibesári, gluttonous, from hibáan, I eat; nehrisári, talker,
from néhren, I talk; capasári, old rags, from capát; baníscor, weeper,
from báanan; cotzíscor, sleeper, from cotzom; dióscor, vagabond, from
dion, I walk, or vacosári, which has the same signification, from
vácon. The termination, sguari, is used in this sense: dotzi, old man;
dotzísguari, very old man; hóit, female of middle age; hoísguari, very
old woman.


Substantives of the First Declension form their genitive in _que_, and
usually are such as terminate in a vowel.

_Nominative_, Siibì, hawk,
_Genitive_, Sìiibíque, of hawk,
_Dative_, Siibt, to hawk,
_Accusative_, Siibìe, hawk,
_Vocative_, Siibì, hawk,
_Ablative_, Sibítze, in \
Sibíde, by > hawk.
Sibíquema, with /

The plural of substantives (requiring a special notice) will be
treated of hereafter. Substantives of the Second Declension form their
genitive in _te_ and _t_.

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