Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Volume III. by Buckingham Smith
page 12 of 49 (24%)
page 12 of 49 (24%)
_N._ Mavirot, Lion.
_G._ Mavirote, _D. and A._ Mavírota, _V._ Mavírot, _A._ Mavírotze, in, Mavírode, by, Mavírotema, with lion. The verb-noun hiósguadauh, painting, is thus declined. _N._ Hiósgnadauh, _G._ Hiósguadauhte, _D. and A._ Hiósguadauhta, _Ab._ Hiósguadautze, in, Hiósguadauhde, by, Hiósguadauhtema, with painting. And so likewise decline the preterite passive hiósguacauh, and the future passive hiósguatzidauh. But verbs in the present time, when they serve as substantives, are thus declined _N._ Nemútzan, wizard. _G._ Nemútzante, _D. and A._ Nemútzanta, _V._ Nemútzan, _A._ Nemútzantze, in, Nemútzade, by, Nemútzantema, with wizard. |