Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library of American Linguistics. Volume III. by Buckingham Smith
page 35 of 49 (71%)
page 35 of 49 (71%)
the literal rendering is, I know, on Sunday your mass was not heard.
I desire that you may live here, Nee eme iuide cáteo naquém, in which cáteo is an active perfect participle, and the verb naquém, I desire, ever requires this construction. The verb óqueem, I command, is peculiar likewise in one respect: in order to say I command you that you work, Nee eme panaúaoqueem is said; panaúaoqueem being composed of two words, of which panauatze, I will work, is from panaúan, work, the tze final being taken away and substituted by óqueem. 50. The equivalent of _Because_, nanévari, can be thus shown. I become angry because you are lax, Nee zínauan, ne néuari nap híbeen: with the particle aréde, which means because, it may be elegantly expressed, Nap híbeen, aredene zinauan, which, word for word, is, You are lax, for that I become angry. Here are other instances: Because I am sick I do not work, Nee ca panauan, nanéuarine cocotzem; in another manner, Nee cocotzem, arédene ca panauan, or Nee no cócotzihdade ca panauan, which corresponds to this, I, because of my infirmity, do not work. I come, because you called me, Nee eue hasi, naneuari nap netz ouíqui. Eue, signifying hither, is used because to the Indian ear, I came hither, is more euphonious than only I came. Nap netzoúiqui, arédene hási, I am glad, because you come to see me, Nee nánaceran, nanéuari nap netzeue teúhdóniueren, or otherwise, Nap netz eue teúhdóniueren arédene nanaceran. 51. The equivalent of _Before_ is caque, the translation of which is not yet. Before you could come I was already here, Nap caque hasdo nee vínu iuide énitude, of which hasdo is the gerund of hásem, that part of speech being thus used with caque, when it signifies before, and is literally, You not arrived yet, already was I here. Another instance: Before you can go, you will pay me: Caquena dado, netz ovidetze; also, |