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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
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A boat upset at the Reservoir, April 11, 1873, when one life was lost.

Boat upset at Kirby's Pools, whereby one Lawrence Joyce was drowned, May
17, 1875. Two men were also drowned here July 23, 1876.

Three boys, and a young man named Hodgetts, who attempted to save them,
were drowned, Jan 16, 1876, at Green's Hole Pool, Garrison Lane, through
breaking of the ice.

Arthur, 3rd son of Sir C.B. Adderley, was drowned near Blair Athol, July
1, 1877, aged 21.

Four boys were drowned at the Reservoir, July 26, 1877.

Two children were drowned in the Rea at Jakeman's Fields, May 30, 1878.

Rev. S. Fiddian, a Wesleyan Minister, of this town, aged nearly 80, was
drowned while bathing at Barmouth, Aug. 4, 1880.

A Mrs. Satchwell was drowned at Earlswood, Feb. 3, 1883, though a
carrier's cart falling over the embankment into the Reservoir in the
dusk of the evening. The horse shared the fate of the lady, but the
driver escaped.

~Accidental Death from Electricity.~--Jan. 20, 1880, a musician, named
Augustus Biedermann, took hold of two joints of the wires supplying the
electric lights of the Holte Theatre, and receiving nearly the full
force of the 40-horse power battery, was killed on the spot.

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