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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
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inspection at Sandwell Park Colliery, Nov. 6, 1878, were killed by
falling from the cage. Two miners, father and son, were killed by a fall
of coal in the following week.

A water main, 30 inches diameter, burst in Wheeler Street, June 17,

On the night of Sep. 5, 1880, Mrs. Kingham, landlady of the "Hen and
Chickens," fell through a doorway on the third storey landing into the
yard, dying a few hours after. The doorway was originally intended to
lead to a gallery of the Aquarium then proposed to be built at the back
of the hotel.

January 12th, 1881.--A helper in the menagerie at Sanger's Exhibition,
then at Bingley Hall, was attacked and seriously injured by a lion,
whose den he was cleaning out. The animal was beaten off by the keeper,
the said keeper, Alicamoosa (?) himself being attacked and injured a few
days after by the same animal.

A child of 17 months fell on to a sewer grating in River Street, May
28th, 1881, and died from the effects of hot steam arising therefrom,
neighbouring manufacturers pouring their waste boiler water into the

~Accidental Deaths by Drowning.~--Five persons were drowned at Soho
Pool, on Christmas Day, 1822, through the ice breaking under them.

In 1872, John Jerromes lost his life while trying to save a boy who had
fallen into Fazeley Street Canal. £200 subscriptions were raised for his
wife and family.
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