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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
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~Agricultural Shows.~--The Warwickshire Agricultural Show (with the
Birmingham Horse Show, and the Rose Show) began at Aston, June 17, 1873.
The first exhibition here of the Royal Agricultural Society took place
July 19-24, 1876, in Aston Park, specially granted by the Corporation.--
See _Cattle Shows, &c_.

~Albion Metal,~ tin rolled on lead, much used for making "lace," &c.,
for coffin decoration, was introduced in 1804, being the invention of
Thomas Dobbs, a comic actor, then engaged at the Theatre Royal. He was
also the designer of a reaping machine, and made one and showed it with
real corn for his "Benefit" on the stage of the Theatre Royal in 1815.

~Alcester~ Turnpike road was first used in 1767.

~Aldermen.~--See _Corporation_.

~Ales and Alehouses~ were known in this country nearly 1,200 years ago,
but the national beverage was not taxed until 1551, a few years previous
to which (1535) hops were first used in place of wormwood, &c. In 1603
it was enacted that not more than 1d. (equal to 9d. value now) should be
charged per quart for the best ale or beer, or for two quarts of the
"smaller" sort. An additional excise duty was imposed on ale and beer in
1643. See also _Breweries_.

~Almanacks.~--The first English-printed Almanack was for the year 1497,
and the London Stationers' Company had the monopoly of printing them for
nearly 300 years. The first locally printed Almanack was the "Diaria
Britannica" (or "British Diary"), by Messrs. Pearson and Rollason,
issued in 1787 for 1788, at 9d. per copy, in addition to the 1s. 6d.
required for stamp duty. It was barely half the size and not a tenth the
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