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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
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value of the "Diary" published by Messrs Walter Showell and Sons, and of
which 20,000 copies are given away annually. The stamp duty was removed
from Almanacks in 1834. "Showell's Almanack" in past years was highly
esteemed before we had been supplied with "Moody's," the "Red Book,"
&c., and a copy of it for the year 1839 is valuable as a curiosity, it
being issued with a partly printed page with blanks left for the
insertion of the names of the members of the Corporation, whose first
election under the charter of incorporation was about to take place. To
prevent any mistake, the "Esqrs." were carefully printed in where the
names of the new Aldermen were to go, the blanks for Councillors being
only honoured with a "Mr."

~Almshouses~ for Lench's Trust were built in Steelhouse Lane in 1764. In
later years other sets of houses have been built in Conybere Street,
Hospital Street, Ravenhurst Street, and Ladywood Road, the inmates, all
women, numbering 182. Jas. Dowell's Almshouses in Warner Street,
consisting of 20 houses and a chapel, known as the "Retreat," were built
in 1820. Mrs. Glover's Almshouses in Steelhouse Lane for 36 aged women,
were erected in 1832. James Lloyd's twenty-four Almshouses in Belgrave
Street were erected in 1869.

~Aluminium.~--This valuable material for the use of one of our staple
trades was first obtained by a German chemist in 1837, but was not
produced in sufficient quantity for manufacturing purposes until 1854,
at which time its market value was 60s. per oz. It gradually cheapened,
until it is now priced at 5s., and a company has lately been formed for
its more easy manufacture, who promise to supply it at about as many

~Amphitheatres.~--Astley's celebrated amphitheatre was brought here in
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