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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
page 24 of 741 (03%)
standing on the site of the present building in New Street, the opening
being inaugurated by a conversazione on September 10. In 1858, the
School of Design was removed to the Midland Institute. The "Society of
Artists" may be said to have commenced in 1826, when several gentlemen
withdrew from the School of Design. Their number greatly increased by
1842, when they took possession of the Athenæum, in which building their
exhibitions were annually held until 1858. In that year they returned to
New Street, acquiring the title of "Royal" in 1864. The Art Students'
Literary Association was formed in September, 1869.

~Art Gallery and School of Art.~--In connection with the Central Free
Library a small gallery of pictures, works of Art, &c., loaned or
presented to the town, was opened to the public August 1, 1867, and from
time to time was further enriched. Fortunately they were all removed
previous to the disastrous fire of Jan. 11, 1879. A portion of the new
Reference Library is at present devoted to the same purpose, pending the
completion of the handsome edifice being erected by the Gas Committee at
the back of the Municipal Buildings, and of which it will form a part,
extending from Congreve Street along Edmund Street to Eden Place. The
whole of the upper portion of the building will be devoted to the
purposes of a Museum and Art Gallery, and already there has been
gathered the nucleus of what promises to be one of the finest
collections in the kingdom, more particularly in respect to works of Art
relating more or less to some of the principal manufactures of
Birmingham. There are a large number of valuable paintings, including
many good specimens of David Cox and other local artists; quite a
gallery of portraits of gentlemen connected with the town, and other
worthies; a choice collection of gems and precious stones of all kinds;
a number of rare specimens of Japanese and Chinese cloisonné enamels;
nearly a complete set of the celebrated Soho coins and medals, with many
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