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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
page 25 of 741 (03%)
additions of a general character; many cases of ancient Roman, Greek,
and Byzantine coins; more than an hundred almost priceless examples of
old Italian carvings, in marble and stone, with some dozens of ancient
articles of decorative furniture; reproductions of delicately-wrought
articles of Persian Art work, plate belonging to the old City Companies,
the Universities, and from Amsterdam and the Hague; a collection of
Wedgwood and other ceramic ware, the gift of Messrs. R. and G. Tangye,
with thousands of other rare, costly, and beautiful things. In
connection with the Art Gallery is the "Public Picture Gallery Fund,"
the founder of which was the late Mr. Clarkson Osler, who gave £3,000
towards it. From this fund, which at present amounts to about £450 per
year, choice pictures are purchased as occasion offers, many others
being presented by friends to the town, notably the works of David Cox,
which were given by the late Mr. Joseph Nettlefold.--The _School of
Art_, which is being built in Edmund Street, close to the Art Gallery,
is so intimately connected therewith that it may well be noticed with
it. The ground, about 1,000 square yards, has been given by Mr. Cregoe
Colmore, the cost of election being paid out of £10,000 given by Miss
Ryland, and £10,000 contributed by Messrs. Tangye. The latter firm have
also given £5,000 towards the Art Gallery; Mr. Joseph Chamberlain has
contributed liberally in paintings and in cash; other friends have
subscribed about £8,000; Mr. Nettlefold's gift was valued at £14,000,
and altogether not less than £40,000 has been presented to the town in
connection with the Art Gallery, in addition to the whole cost of the
School of Art.

~Art Union.~--The first Ballot for pictures to be chosen from the Annual
Exhibition of Local Artists took place in 1835, the Rev. Hugh Hutton
having the honour of originating it. The tickets were 21s. each,
subscribers receiving an engraving.
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