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Showell's Dictionary of Birmingham - A History and Guide Arranged Alphabetically by Thomas T. Harman;Walter Showell
page 63 of 741 (08%)
carry four persons, for the first
hour, or part of hour .. .. 3 0
For every additional 15 minutes, or
part of 15 minutes. .. .. 0 2
For every carriage constructed to
carry two persons, for the first
hour, or part of hour .. .. 2 6
For every additional 15 minutes, or
part of 15 minutes.. .. .. 0 6
Any person hiring any carriage
otherwise than by time is entitled
to detain the same five minutes
without extra charge, but for
every 15 minutes, or part thereof,
over the first five minutes, the
hirer must pay .. .. .. 0 6
_By distance_:--
Cabs or Cars to carry 2 persons not
exceeding 1-1/2 miles .. .. 1 0
Per 1/2 mile after .. .. .. 0 4
One horse vehicles to carry 4
persons, not exceeding 1 mile .. 1 0
For any further distance, per 1/2 mile
after .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 6
Cars or Carriages with 2 horses, to
carry 4 persons, not exceeding 1
mile .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 9
Per 1/2 mile after .. .. .. 0 9
_Double Fares_ shall be allowed and
paid for every fare, or so much of
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