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Two Dyaloges (c. 1549) by Desiderius Erasmus
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fatherlesse chyldren be cõmunely ordered and vsed,
how wylles and testamentes be executed and
performed, how legacyes and bequethes be communelye
payde, Naye howe moche cleueth and hangeth fast in
the fyngers of the executors or with them that
mynyster and intermedle with the goodes of the
testatours. _Boni._ Many tymes they retayne and
kepe in theyr handes all togy||ther. _Bea._ Yea
they loue to playe the thefe well inoughe, but they
loue nothynge worse then to here of it. _Boni._
That is very trewe. _Bea._ Howe lytle dyffers he
from a thefe whiche boroweth money of one and other
and so runneth in dette, with this intent and
purpose that yf he maye escape so or fynde suche a
crafty colour or a subtyle shyft, he intendeth
neuer to paye that he oweth. _Boni._ Paraduenture
he maye be called warer or more craftier thê a
thefe is in dede but no poynt better, for it is
hard chosyng of a better where there is neuer a
good of them bothe. _Bea._ yea but althoughe there
be in euery place a great nombre of such
makeshyftes and slypper marchauntes yet the
starkest knaue of thê all can not abyde to be
called thefe. _Boni._ God onely knoweth euery mãnes
hart and mynd, and therfore they are called of vs
men that are runne in dette or fer behynde the
hande, but not theues for that soun||deth vnswetely
and lyke a playne song note. _Bea._ What skyllys it
howe they be called amõge men yf they be theues
afore god. And where you say that god onely knoweth
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