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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 30 of 313 (09%)
Bosque 887 182 2,702 872 224 45 83 4,026
______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ___ ______ _______
34,403 15,800 121,072 22,564 69,330 678 22,748 236,392

Let us allow the usual proportion of field hands to the whole number of
slaves, viz., one-third, and we have a force of 5297; if whites do not
labor in the field, each field hand must cultivate 44 64/100 acres of
land. The customary allotment is ten cotton and five corn, or, where
corn and wheat are the principal products, from twenty to twenty-five

July 15, 1852. We were in motion at two o'clock in the morning,
and, taking a north-east course towards the base of the mountain
chain, passed through mezquite groves, intersected by brooks of
pure water flowing into the south branch of Cache Creek, upon one
of which we are encamped.

We find the soil good at all places near the mountains, and the
country well wooded and watered. The grass, consisting of several
varieties of the grama, is of a superior quality, and grows
luxuriantly. The climate is salubrious, _and the almost constant
cool and bracing breezes of the summer months_, with the entire
absence of anything like marshes or stagnant water, remove all
sources of noxious malaria, with its attendant evils of autumnal
fevers.--_Marcy's Exploration of the Red River_, p. 11.

Our camp is upon the creek last occupied by the Witchitas before
they left the mountains. The soil, in point of fertility,
surpasses anything we have before seen, and the vegetation in the
old corn-fields is so dense that it was with great difficulty I
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