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Continental Monthly - Volume 1 - Issue 3 by Various
page 31 of 313 (09%)
could force my horse through it. It consisted of rank weeds
growing to the height of twelve feet. Soil of this character must
have produced an enormous yield of corn. The timber is
sufficiently abundant for all purposes of the agriculturist, and
of a superior quality.

We have now reached the eastern extremity of the Witchita chain
of mountains, and shall to-morrow strike our course for Fort

The more we have seen of the country about these mountains, the
more pleased we have been with it. Bounteous nature seems here to
have strewed her favors with a lavish hand, and to have held out
every inducement for civilized man to occupy it. The numerous
tributaries of Cache Creek, flowing from granite fountains, and
winding like net-work through the valleys, with the advantages of
good timber, soil and grass, the pure, elastic and delicious
climate, with a bracing atmosphere, all unite in presenting rare
inducements to the husbandman.--_Marcy's Red River Exploration_.

This section of country is in latitude 34°, longitude 99°; the latitude
the same as the central part of South Carolina and the southern part of

We will now give statements from the _Texas Almanac_.

The south winds are the source of comfort and positive luxury to
the inhabitants of Texas during the hot weather of summer. The
nearer the sea-coast, the cooler and more brisk the current; but
the entire area of prairie, and a large portion of the timbered
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