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The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
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subscrybyd thys with myne owne hande. _Me._ Trewly that
was a soro and fearfull epistle, I suppose that
Glaucoplutus wyll beware frõ hêsforthe. _Ogy._ Ye & if
he be wyse. _Me._ Wherfore dyd nat that good saynt
Iames wryte to that man of the same mater. _Ogy._ I can
nat tell, except it be bycause he is so ferre of, and
now a dayes men be moche searchyd for suche maters, &
in theyr iornaye theyr lettres takê frome them. _Me._
I pray you, what god dyd send you into Englõd? _Ogy._
I saw the wynd maruelouse prosperouse thyderward, and
I had almoste promysyd this to that blessyd lady of
Walsyngã that I wold seke || her within .ij. yere,
_Me._ What wold you axe of her. _Ogy._ No new thyngs at
all, but suche as be comen, as to kepe saffe and sownd
my housholde, to encreasse my goodes, and in thys world
to haue a lõge and mery liffe, and whã I dye
euerlastynge lyffe in another worlde. _Me._ May nat owr
lady grante the same at home with vs? She hathe at
Antwarpe a moche more lordly temple thã at Walsyngame.
_Ogy._ I denye nat but it may be so, but in dyuers
places she grantes dyuers thynges, wether it be her
pleasur so to do, or bycause she is so gentle, that as
cõcernynge this purpose, she wyll gyue her selfe to our
affectyões. _Me._ I haue harde oft of saynt Iames, but
I pray you describe to me the kyngdome of Walsyngam.
_Ogy._ Verely I shall tell you as shortly as I canne.
Yt is the most holy name in all England, and you may
fynde some in || that yle, that suppose thayr substãce
shal nat prospayre except they vysyte her with thayr
offerynge euery yere ones as thay be able to gyue.
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