The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion by Desiderius Erasmus
page 15 of 53 (28%)
page 15 of 53 (28%)
_Me._ Wher dothe she dwell? _Ogy._ At the vttermost
parte of all England betwyxt the Northe and the Weste, nat vary ferre from the see, skarsly iii myles, the towne is almost susteynyd by the resort of pylgrymes. The college is of Canões, but thay be suche as hathe thayr name of the Laten tonge and be called Seculares, a kynd betwyxte monkes & Chanones. _Me._ What you tell me of *Amphybyanes, [*Amphybyanes be thynges doutfull.] suche as ye mõstre *Fyber is.[*Fyber is a beste of ye see & ye land.] _Ogy._ No thay be rather suche as the *Cocatrice. [*A Cocatrice wil kyll a man with a loke,] But withowt dissimulation, I shall put you owt of this dowte in thre wordes. To them that thay hate, thay be Chanones, and to them that thay loue thay be Monkes _Menede._ Yet yowe doo nat open thys redle. _Ogy._ || I shall paynte it before youre eyes, if the bysshope of Rome doo shot hys thonderbowlt amõgst all monkes, thay wyll than be chanones, & nat monkes, but and if he wold suffre all monkes to take wyues, thã wyll they be monkes, _Me._ O new partakeres, I wold to god they wold take away my wyffe. _Ogy._ But to come to our purpose, the college hathe skarsly any other *emolumêtes [*Rêttes.] but of the liberalite of our lady. For the great offeryngs be kepyd stylle, but if ther be any litle some of monaye offerid that goith to the comens of the company, & the mayster whome thay call pryoure. _Me._ Be thay of a vertuous lyffe? _Ogy._ Nat to be dispraysyd, thay be more vertuous thã ryche of thayr yerely renttes. The temple ys goodly & goregious, but oure Lady dwellythe nat in it, but that was purchasyd |