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McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 5 of 145 (03%)
20. A Moment too Late 66
21. Humming Birds 67
22. The Wind and the Sun 59
23. Sunset (Script) 61
24. Beautiful Hands 52
25. Things to Remember 65
26. Three Little Mice 67
Z7. The New Year 69
28. The Clock and the Sundial 72
29. Remember 74


30. Courage and Cowardice 76
31. Weighing an Elephant 78
32. The Soldier 82
33. The Echo 83
34. George's Feast 86
35. The Lord's Prayer 90
An Evening: Prayer (Script.) 91
36. Finding the Owner 92
37. Bats 95
38. A Summer Day 98
39. I will Think of It 101
40. Charlie and Rob 104
41. Ray and his Kite 107
42. Beware of the First Drink 111
43. Speak Gently 114
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