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McGuffey's Third Eclectic Reader by William Holmes McGuffey
page 6 of 145 (04%)
44. The Seven Sticks 115
45. The Mountain Sister 117
46. Harry and the Guidepost 121
47. The Money Amy didn't Earn 123
48. Who Made the Stars? 126
49. Deeds of Kindness 128
50. The Alarm Clock 130
51. Spring 132
52. True Courage 134
53. The Old Clock 137
54. The Waves 139
55. Don't Kill the Birds 143
56. When to Say No 144
57. Which Loved Best? 146
58. John Carpenter 147
59. Persevere 151
60. The Contented Boy 151
61. Little Gustava 156
62. The Insolent Boy 158
63. We are Seven 163
64. Mary's Dime 167
65. Mary Dow 169
66. The Little Loaf 172
67. Susie and Rover 174
68. The Violet. 178
69. No Crown for Me 180
70. Young Soldiers 184
71. How Willie Got out of the Shaft 187
72. The Pert Chicken 191
73. Indian Corn 193
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