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The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf - A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The - Scandinavian Countries by Oscar Ludvig Olson
page 6 of 167 (03%)

_Mort. d'Arth._--_Morte d'Arthur_, by Sir Thomas Malory, Globe edition,

_Norroen Fornkvæði_, edited by Sophus Bugge, 1867.

_Nor. Tales_--_Norse Fairy Tales_, selected and adapted from the
translations of Sir George Webbe Dasent, 1910.

_Folk. Huld. Even._--_Norske Folke-og Huldre-Eventyr i Udvalg_, by P.
Chr. Asbjörnsen, revised edition by Moltke Moe, 1910.

_Event. Sagn_--_Norske Folkeeventyr og Sagn_, by O.T. Olsen, 1912.

_Nor. Hist._--_Det norske Folks Historie_, by P.A. Munch, 1852.

_Sagn--Norske Sagn_, Christiania, 1902.

_Notes, Beow.--Notes on Beowulf_, by Thomas Arnold, 1898.

_Oldn. Lit. Hist.--Den oldnorske og oldislandske Litteraturs Historie_,
by Finnur Jónsson.

_Grundr._--Paul's _Grundriss der germanischen Philologie._

_P. B. B._--Paul and Braune's _Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen

_Pop. Tales--Popular Tales from the North_, by George Webbe Dasent,
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