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The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulf - A Contribution To The History Of Saga Development In England And The - Scandinavian Countries by Oscar Ludvig Olson
page 7 of 167 (04%)

_P. M. L. A.--Publications of the Modern Language Association of

_Grettis.--The Saga of Grettir the Strong, Everyman's Library._

_Sc. Folkl.--Scandinavian Folk-lore_, by William A. Craigie, 1896.

_Sc. Rer. Dan.--Scriptores Rerum Danicarum_, edited by Jakob Langebek,

_Macb._--Shakespeare's _Tragedy of Macbeth_, edited by William J. Rolfe,

_Skjs.--_Skjọldungasaga (_Aarböger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og
Historie_, 1894).

_Sn. Ed.--Snorri Sturluson, Edda_, edited by Finnur Jónsson, 1900.

_St. germ. Sag.--Studien zur germanischen Sagengeschichte_; I _Beowulf_,
by Friedrich Panzer, 1910.

_St. Sag. Eng--Studien zur Sagengeschichte Englands_; I Teil, _Die
Wikingersagen_, by Max Deutschbein, 1906.

_Vọlsungasaga (Fornaldarsogur Norðrlanda_, edited by Valdimar
Asmundarson, vol. I, 1891).

_Widsith_ (_The Oldest English Epic--Beowulf, Widsith_, etc.--translated
by Francis B. Gummere, 1909).
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