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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 23 of 61 (37%)
subterfuge. Rooks and donkeys! Pooh! There cannot be a doubt but that the
noises were the preparatory war-whoops of this ferocious and sanguinary
people. We believe the Whig editor to be the only _donkey_ in the case;
that he may have been a ravin(g) at the time is also very probable.

No later than yesterday the _Cloonakilty Express_ was stopped by a _band
of young men_, who savagely ill-treated our courier, a youth of tender
age, having attempted to stone him to death. Our courier is ready to swear
that at the time of the attack the young men were busily engaged counting
a _vast store of ammunition_, consisting of _round white clay balls_ baked
to the hardness of bullets, and _evidently_ intended for _shooting with_.

I have to call particular attention to the fact that a countryman was this
day observed to buy a threepenny loaf, and on leaving the baker's to _tear
it asunder and distribute the fragments with three confederates_!!! an act
which I need not say was evidently symbolical of their desire to rend
asunder the _Corn Laws_, and to divide the landed property amongst
themselves. The action also appears analogous to the custom of breaking
bread and swearing alliance on it, a practice still observed by the
inhabitants of some remote regions of the Caucasus. I must again solemnly
express my conviction that we are standing on a _slumbering_ VOLCANO; the
thoughtless and unobservant may suppose not; probably because in the
present tee-total state of society they see nothing of the CRATER.

* * * * *


A man bearing the very inapplicable name of _Virtue_ was brought up at
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