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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 20, 1841 by Various
page 24 of 61 (39%)
Lambeth-street last week, on the charge of having stolen a telescope from
the Ordnance-office in the Tower on the morning of the fire. The prisoner
pleaded that, being short-sighted, he took the glass to have a sight of
the fire. The magistrate, however, _saw through_ this excuse very clearly;
and as it was apparent that _Virtue_ had taken a _glass_ too much on the
occasion, he was fully committed.

* * * * *


We have received the following note from an old and esteemed
correspondent, who, we are rejoiced to find, has returned from a tour in
Switzerland, where he has been engaged in a prodigious work connected with
the statistics of that country.

_Reform Club-house_.


Knowing the interest you take in anything relating to the advancement of
science, I beg to apprise you that I am about publishing a statistical
work, in which I have made it perfectly clear that an immense saving in
the article of ice alone might be made in England by importing that which
lies waste upon Mont Blanc. I have also calculated to a fraction the
number of pints of milk produced in the canton of Berne, distinguishing
the quantity used in the making of cheese from that which has been
consumed in the manufacture of butter--and specifying in every instance
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