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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 19 of 60 (31%)
different tastes in food, and that one man liked mint sauce with his roast
lamb, while others detested it. I discovered also that in most persons
there is a predominance of some particular organ over the surrounding
ones, in which case a corresponding external protuberance may be looked
for, which indicates the gastronomic character of the individual. This
rule, however, is not absolute, as the prominence of one faculty may be
modified by the influence of another; thus the faculty of _ham_ may be
modified by that of _roast veal_, or the desire to indulge in a sentiment
for an _omelette_ may be counteracted by a propensity for a _fricandeau_,
or by the regulating power of a _Strasbourg pie_. The activity of the
_omelette_ emotion is here not abated; the result to which it would lead,
is merely modified.

It would be tedious to detail the successive steps of my inquiries, until
I had at last ascertained distinctly that the power of the eating
faculties is, _cæteris paribus_, in proportion to the size of those
compartments in the stomach by which they are manifested. I propose at a
future time to explain my system more fully, and shall conclude my present
lecture by giving a list of the organs into which I have classified the
stomach, according to my most careful observations.


1.--Bread (_French rolls_).
2.--Water (_doubtful_).
3.--Beef (_including rump-steaks_).
4.--Mutton (_legs thereof_).
5.--Veal (_stuffed fillet of the same_).
6.--Bacon (_including pork-chops and sausages_).

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