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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 21 of 60 (35%)


(_By the Reporter of the Court Journal._)

Yesterday Paddy Green, Esq. gave a grand _déjeuner à la fourchette_ to a
distinguished party of friends, at his house in Vere-street. Amongst the
guests we noticed Charles Mears, J.M., Mister Jim Connell, Bill Paul, Deaf
Burke, Esq., Jerry Donovan, M.P.R., Herr Von Joel, &c. &c. Mister Jim
Connell and Jerry Donovan went the "_odd man_" who should stand glasses
round. The favourite game of _shove-halfpenny_ was kept up till a late
hour, when the party broke up highly delighted.

A great party mustered on Friday last, in the New Cut, to hear Mr.
Briggles chant a new song, written on the occasion of the birth of the
young Prince. He was accompanied by his friend Mr. Handel Purcell Mozart
Muggins on the drum and mouth-organ, who afterwards went round with his

On Friday the lady of Paddy Green paid a morning call to Clare Market, at
the celebrated tripe shop; she purchased two slices of canine comestibles
which she carried home on a skewer.

Mrs. Paddy Green on Wednesday visited Mrs. Joel, to take tea. She indulged
in two crumpets and a dash of rum in the congou. It is confidently
reported that on Wednesday next Mrs. Joel will pay a visit to Mrs. G. at
her residence in Vere-street, to supper; after which Mr. Paddy Green will
leave for his _seat_ in Maiden-lane.

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