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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 28 of 60 (46%)
She glanced around to see that none were nigh,
Then sigh'd again and thought, "Although a peasant,
His manners are refined, and really pleasant."

They stood each looking in the other's eyes,
Till Hy-son dropp'd her gaze, and then--good lack
Love is a cunning chapman: smiles, and sighs.
And tears, the choicest treasures in his pack!
Still barters he such baubles for the prize,
Which all regret when lost, yet can't get back--
The heart--a useful matter in a bosom--
Though some folks won't believe it till they lose 'em.

Love can say much, yet not a word be spoken.
Straight, as a wasp careering staid to sip
The dewy rose she held, the gardener's token,
He, seizing on her hand, with hasty grip,
The stem sway'd earthward with its blossom, broken.
The gardener raised her hand unto his lip,
And kiss'd it--when a rough voice, hoarse with halloas,
Cried, "Harkye' fellow! I'll permit no followers!"

* * * * *


The lists were made--the trumpet's blast
Rang pealing through the air.
My 'squire made lace and rivet fast
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