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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 29 of 60 (48%)
And brought my tried _destrerre_.
I rode where sat fair Isidore
Inez Mathilde Borghese;
From spur to crest she scann'd me o'er,
Then said "He's not the cheese!"

O, Mary mother! how burn'd my cheek!
I proudly rode away;
And vow'd "Woe's his I who dares to break
A lance with me to-day!"
I won the prize! (Revenge is sweet,
I thought me of a _ruse_;)
I laid it at her rival's feet,
And thus I cook'd her goose.

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What difference is there between a farrier and Dr. Locock?--Because the
one is a _horse-shoer_, and the other is _a-cow-shoer_. (accoucheur).

Why is the Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall?--Because he is a _minor_.

"Bar that," as the Sheriff's Officer said to his first-floor window.

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