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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 31 of 60 (51%)
Spaniards"--stood on end, as the conspiracy of the villains was revealed,
as it was shown how, in anticipation of a wicked success, they had shared
among them, not only his gold and his tankards, but the money and plate of
all his honest neighbours. _Jemmy_, still forgetful of "The Spaniards"
cried aloud for justice and the gibbet!

Have we not here the late revolution in Spain--the QUENISSET
conspiracy--and in the prime mover of the first, and the intended victim
of the second rascality, KING LOUIS-PHILIPPE, the JEMMY TWITCHER OF THE

The commission recently appointed in France for the examination of the
Communists and Equalised Operatives, taken in connexion with the recent
bloodshed under French royal authority, is another of the ten thousand
illustrations of the peculiar morality of crowned heads. Here is a sawyer,
a cabinet-maker, a cobbler, and such sort, all food for the guillotine for
attempting to do no more than has been most treacherously perpetrated by
the present King of the French and the ex-Queen of Spain. How is it that
LOUIS-PHILIPPE feels no touch of sympathy for that pusillanimous
scoundrel--_Just_? He is naturally his veritable double; but then _Just_
is only a carpenter, LOUIS-PHILIPPE is King of the French!

The reader has only to read Madrid for Paris--has only to consider the
sawyer Quenisset (the poor tool, trapped by _Just_), the murdered Don
Leon, or any other of the gallant foolish victims of the French monarchy
in the late atrocity in Spain, to see the moral identity of the scoundrel
carpenter and the rascal king. We quote from the report:--

_Quénisset_ (alias DON LEON) examined.--"_Just_ said to
me, pointing to the body of officers, 'You must fire _into the
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