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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 32 of 60 (53%)
midst of those_;' I then drew the pistol from under my shirt,
and discharged it with my left hand _in the direction I was

O'DONNELL, LEON, ORA, BORIA, FULGOSIO, drew their pistols at the order of
LOUIS-PHILIPPE and CHRISTINA, and merely fired in the direction they were

"Where was this society (the Ouvriers Egalitaires)
held?"--"Generally at the house of Colombier, keeper of a
wine-shop, Rue Traversière."

"What formed the subject of discourse in these meetings, when you
were there?"--"_Different crimes_. They talked of _overthrowing
the throne, assassinating the agents of the government--shedding
blood, in fact_!"

For the Rue Traversière we have only to read the Rue de Courcelles--for
Colombier the wine seller, CHRISTINA ex-Queen of Spain. As for the subject
of discourse at her Majesty's hotel, events have bloodily proved that it
was the overthrow of a throne--the murder of the constituted authorities
of Spain--and, in the comprehensive meaning of Quénisset--"shedding blood,
in fact!" At the wine-shop meetings the French conspirator tells us that
there was "an old man, a locksmith," who would read revolutionary themes,
and "electrify the souls of the young men about him!" The locksmith of the
Rue de Courcelles was the crafty, sanguinary policy of the monarch of the
barricades. We now come to MADAME COLOMBIER, _alias_ QUEEN CHRISTINA.--

"Do you know whether your comrades had many cartridges?"--"I do
not know exactly what the quantity was, but I heard a man say,
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