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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
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K was some Kreosote, much over-rated;
And L were the Lies which about it were stated.
Fol de rol lol, &c.

M was a muscle--cold, flabby, and red;
And N was a Nerve, like a bit of white thread.
O was some Opium, a fool chose to take;
And P were the Pins used to keep him awake.
Fol de rol lol, &c.

Q were the Quacks, who cure stammer and squint,
R was a Raw from a burn, wrapp'd in lint.
S was a Scalpel, to eat bread and cheese;
And T was a Tourniquet, vessels to squeeze.
Fol de rol lol, &c.

U was the Unciform bone of the wrist.
V was the Vein which a blunt lancet miss'd.
W was Wax, from a syringe that flow'd.
X, the Xaminers, who may be blow'd!
Fol de rol lol, &c.

Y stands for You all, with best wishes sincere;
And Z for the Zanies who never touch beer.
So we've got to the end, not forgetting a letter;
And those who don't like it may grind up a better.
Fol de rol lol, &c.

This song is vociferously cheered, except by Mr. Rapp, who during its
execution has been engaged in making an elaborate piece of basket-work out
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