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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
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of wooden pipe-lights, which having arranged to his satisfaction, he sends
scudding at the chairman's head. The harmony proceeds, and with it the
desire to assist in it, until they all sing different airs at once; and
the lodger above, who has vainly endeavoured to get to sleep for the last
three hours, gives up the attempt as hopeless, when he hears Mr. Manhug
called upon for the sixth time to do the cat and dog, saw the bit of wood,
imitate Macready, sing his own version of "Lur-li-e-ty," and accompany it
with his elbows on the table.

The first symptom of approaching cerebral excitement from the action of
liquid stimulants is perceived in Mr. Muff himself, who tries to cut some
cold meat with the snuffers. Mr. Simpson also, a new man, who is looking
very pale, rather overcome with the effects of his elementary screw in a
first essay to perpetrate a pipe, petitions for the window to be let down,
that the smoke, which you might divide with a knife, may escape more
readily. This proposition is unanimously negatived, until Mr. Jones, who
is tilting his chair back, produces the desired effect by overbalancing
himself in the middle of a comic medley, and causing a compound,
comminuted, and irreducible fracture of three panes of glass by tumbling
through them. Hereat, the harmony experiencing a temporary check, and all
the half-and half having disappeared, Mr. Muff finds there is no great
probability of getting any more, as the servant who attends upon the seven
different lodgers has long since retired to rest in the turn-down bedstead
of the back kitchen. An adjournment is therefore determined upon; and,
collecting their hats and coats as they best may, the whole party tumble
out into the streets at two o'clock in the morning.

"Whiz-z-z-z-z-t!" shouts Mr. Manhug, as they emerge into the cool air, in
accents which only Wieland could excel; "there goes a cat!" Upon the
information a volley of hats follow the scared animal, none of which go
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