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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 43 of 60 (71%)
capable of great ramifications, and may be done at least twice a-night in
a half whisper in mixed society.

Also some "Delightful Dinner Diversions, or Joke Sauces for all Joints."

_Calves-head_.--Brings in fellow-feeling; family likeness; cannibalism;
"tête-à-tête"; while the brain sauce and tongue are never-failing.

_Goose_.--Same as above, with allusions to the "sage;" two or three that
_stick in the gizzard_; and a beautiful work up with a "long liver."

_Ducks_.--Very military: bring in _drill_; drumsticks; breastwork; and
pair of ducks for light clothing and summer wear.

_Snipes_.--Good for lawyers; long bill. Gallantry; "Toast be dear Woman."
Mercantile; run on banks. And infants; living on suction.

_Herring_.--Capital for _bride_: _her-ring_; petticoats, flannel and
otherwise, _herring-boned_. Fat people; _bloaters_; &c. &c. &c.

_Venison_.--Superior, for offering everybody some of your sauce. Sad
subject, as it ought to be looked upon with a grave eye (_gravy_). Wish
your friends might always give you such _a cut_. &c. &c. &c.

_Port_.--Like well-baked bread, best when crusty; flies out of glass
because of the "bee's wing." Always happy to become a _porter_ on such
occasions; object to general breakages, but partial to the cracking of a
bottle; comes from a good "cellar" and a good buyer, though no wish to be
a good-bye-er to it. All the above with beautiful leading cues, and really
with two or three rehearsals the very best things ever done.
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