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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 44 of 60 (73%)

_Sherry_.--"Do you sherry?" "Not just yet." "Rather unlucky, _white
whining_: like a bottle of port; but no objection to _share he_. Hope
never to be out of the Pale of do.; if so, will submit to be done Brown."

N.B.--After an election dinner, any of the above valued at a six weeks'
invitation from any voter under the influence of his third bottle; and
absolute reversion of the chair, when original chairman disappears under

_Champagne_.--Real pleasure (quite new--never thought of before)--must be
_Wright's_; nothing _left_ about it; intoxicating portion of a bird,
getting drunk with pheasant's eye. What gender's wine? _Why hen's_
feminine. Safe three rounds; and some others not quite compact.

_Hock_.--Hic, hec, do.

_Hugeous_.--Glass by all means (_very new_); never could decline it, &c.
&c. &c.

_Dessert_.--Wish every one had it; join hands with _ladies' fingers_ and
bishops' thumbs: Prince Albert and Queen very choice "Windsor pairs;"
medlars; unpleasant neighbour: nuts; decidedly lunatic, sure to be
cracked; disbanding Field Officers shelling out the kernels, &c. &c. &c.

The above are but a few samples from the very extensive joke manufactory
of Messrs. Gammon and Gag, sole patentees of the powerful and prolific
steam-joke double-action press. They are all warranted of the very best
quality, and last date.

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