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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 45 of 60 (75%)
Old jokes taken in exchange--of course allowing a liberal per-centage.

Gentlemen's own materials made up in the most superior style, and at the
very shortest notice.

Election squibs going off--a decided sacrifice of splendid talent.

Ideas convertible in cons., puns, and epigrams, always on hand.

Laughs taught in six lessons.

A treatise on leading subjects for experienced jokers just completed.

A large volume of choice sells will be put up by Mr. George Robins on the
1st of April next, unless previously disposed of by private contract.

N.B.--Well worthy the attention of sporting and other punsters.

Also a choice cachinatory chronicle, entitled "How to Laugh, and what to
Laugh at."

For further particulars apply to Messrs. Gag and Gammon, new and
second-hand depôt for gentlemen's left-off facetiæ, Monmouth-street; and
at their West-end establishment, opposite the Black Doll, and next door to
Mr. Catnach, Seven-dials.

* * * * *

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