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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 49 of 60 (81%)
The Lord Mayor, Lord Londonderry, Sir Peter Laurie, Sir John Key, Colonel
Sibthorp, Mr. Goulburn, Peter Borthwick, Lord Ashburton, and Sir E.L.
Bulwer, were admitted to an interview with his Royal Highness, who
received them in "full cry," and was graciously pleased to confer on our
Sir Peter extraordinary proofs of his royal condescension. The
distinguished party afterwards had the honour of partaking of caudle with
the nursery-maids.

Sir John Scott Lillie has informed us confidentially, that he is not the
individual of that name who has been appointed monthly nurse in the
Palace. Sir John feels that his qualifications ought to have entitled him
to a preference.

The captain of the _Britannia_ states that he fell in with two large
whales between Dover and Boulogne on last Monday. There is every reason to
believe they were coming up the Thames to offer their congratulations to
the future Prince of _Whales_.

* * * * *


We understand that Sir Peter Laurie has been presented with the Freedom of
the Barber's Company, enclosed in a pewter shaving-box of the value of
fourpence-halfpenny. On the lid is a medallion of

[Illustration: THE HARE A PARENT.]

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