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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 27, 1841 by Various
page 50 of 60 (83%)

A difficulty, it is thought, may arise in bestowing the customary honour
upon the chief magistrate of the city, upon the birth of a male heir to
the throne, in consequence of the Prince being born on the day on which
the late Mayor went out and the present one came into office. Sir Peter
Laurie suggests that a petition be presented to the Queen, praying that
her Majesty may (in order to avoid a recurrence of such an awkward
dilemma) be pleased in future to

[Illustration: MIND HER DATES.]

* * * * *



The other evening, the public were put in possession, at Covent Garden
Theatre, of a new branch of art in play concoction, which may be called
"dramatic distillation." By this process the essence of two or more old
comedies is extracted; their characters and plots amalgamated; and the
whole "rectified" by the careful expunction of equivocal passages.
Finally, the _drame_ is offered to the public in _act_ive potions; five of
which are a dose.

The forgotten plays put into the still on this occasion were "The
Discovery," by Mrs. Frances Sheridan, and "The Tender Husband," by Sir
Richard Steele. From one, that portion which relates to the "City," is
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