A Briefe Introduction to Geography by William Pemble
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page 2 of 50 (04%)
lay hid from thy sight, but now at length emboldned vpon thy
curteous acceptance of his former labours, it lookes abroad into the world; Its but little; let not that detract any thing from it, there may lie much, though pent vp in a narrow roome; when thou reades, then iudge of it; Thus much may bee sayd: Though many haue writ of this subiect, yet this inferiour to none; thou may'st obserue in it an admirable mixture of Art and delight, so that for younger Students it may bee their introduction, for others a Remembrancer, for any not vnworthy the perusall: only, let it finde kinde entertaynment, at thy hands. _Farewell._ A BRIEFE INTRODVCTION TO GEOGRAPHIE. CHAP. 1. _A generall description and division of Geography._ Topographie is a particular description of some small quantity of Land, such as Land measurers sett out in their plots. Chorographie is a particular description of some Country, as of England, France, or any shire or prouince in them: as in the vsuall and ordinary mappe. |