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A Briefe Introduction to Geography by William Pemble
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Geography is an art or science teaching vs the generall
description of the whole earth, of this especially wee are now to
speake of, and also Chorography as a part vnder it conteyned:
both, excellent parts of knowledge in them selues, and affoording
much profit and helpe in the vnderstanding of history & other
things. The parts of Geography are two.

Generall, which treateth of the nature, qualities,
measure, with other generall properties of the earth.

Speciall, wherein the seuerall countrys and coasts of the
earth are deuided and described.

Of the generall in the first place, and more at large then of the
other, because it is more difficult, and hard to bee vnderstood,
and yet of necessary vse, for the vnderstanding of the other.
This generall tract may bee parted into fiue particular heads.

1 of the properties and affections of the earth.

2 of the parts of it in generall.

3 of the Circles of it.

4 of the distinction and diuision of it accordinge to
some generall conditions and qualities of it.

5 of the measuringe of it.

These in theire order.
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